My name is Sree Sankaranarayanan. I took GITA 1 this year,
and though it has been a challenging class, it has been a
very fun one as well. We have made many projects this year using
C# and they are listed below. If you want to see them run, hover
over the images of the projects and click and you can see them.
Thank you for visiting my page!
Goodbye Program
Date: 08/25
In this project we designed a program that says goodbye in many languages.
About Page
Date: 09/08
In this project we designed a program that displays an
about a fictional company. This program can also change
the color and style of the fonts, and switch between
the logo and slogan and background of the company.
Mailing Label
Date: 09/09
In this project we designed a program that displays a
mailing label based on the info given by the user.
This program can also change the color and style of the fonts,
and switch between them.
Date: 09/11
In this project we designed a program that displays a
story based on the inputs given by the user.
This adds a sense of randomness in each use.
Car Rental
Date: 09/19
In this project we designed a program that displays info
regarding a car rental based on the inputs given by the user.
This program also uses multiple calculations.
Body Mass Index
Date: 09/22
In this project we designed a program that displays info
regarding the body mass of a person based on the inputs given by the user.
This program also uses multiple calculations to display info based on the index.
Car Rental Upgrade
Date: 10/03
In this project we designed a program that is the upgraded version of the original car upgrade program
based on the inputs given by the user.
This program also uses multiple calculations to display info regarding the rental.
Test Score
Date: 10/04
In this project we designed a program that displays test score results
based on the inputs given by the user.
This program also uses multiple calculations to display info with a grading index.
Dice Probabilities
Date: 10/10
In this project we designed a program that displays the probabilities
of getting various outputs using the dice which is random.
This program also uses multiple calculations to display info with a random calculation system.
Craps Game
Date: 10/18
In this project we designed a program that runs a Craps Game
based on the famous Vegas game, with a full board and stats.
This program also uses multiple calculations to display info regarding the money earned.
Slot Machine
Date: 10/27
In this project we designed a program that runs a Slot Machine
based on the famous Vegas game, with a full slot and stats.
This program also uses multiple calculations to display info regarding the money earned.
Taco Shop
Date: 11/09
In this project we designed a program that simulates a Taco Shop
with in-depth choices regarding the taco of choice from the user.
This program also uses multiple calculations to display info regarding the money earned.
Rock Paper Scissor Lizard Spock
Date: 11/09
In this project we designed a program that simulates a Rock Paper Scissor Lizard Spock game
with choices for both players to choose and run multiple games.
This program also uses multiple calculations to display info regarding the amount of wins.
Stair Walker
Date: 12/06
In this project we designed a program that simulates a Stair Walker game
with a random person moving up or down for one unit randomly.
This program also uses arrays to determine the position of the person and a monster and ghost also opens.
2D Submarines
Date: 01/19
In this project we designed a program that simulates two submarines moving
with in-depth movement mechanics.
This program also uses multiple arrays.
Date: 02/01
In this project we designed a program that simulates tic-tac-toe
with in-depth mechanics.
This program also uses multiple arrays.
Basic AI-with upgrades
Date: 02/16
In this project we designed a program that simulates basic AI functions
with in-depth mechanics.
This program also uses multiple arrays.
Date: 02/22
In this project we designed a program that simulates a field of stars
with in-depth mechanics.
This program also uses multiple arrays.
Fishing Simulator
Date: 03/05
In this project we designed a program that simulates a fishing experience
with in-depth mechanics.
This program also uses multiple arrays.
Bees Simulator
Date: 03/22
In this project we designed a program that simulates a bees movement simulator
with in-depth mechanics.
This program also uses multiple arrays.
Date: 05/23
In this project I designed a progam which simulates conquering land
with in-depth mechanics.
This program also uses multiple arrays.